Author: Arthur Young

The Best Weekend Ever – Beer, Whiskey and Country Music When Mowing The Lawn

There comes a time during every year when the weather gets hot, humid and the sun’s shining and there’s nothing better than after spending a bunch of time cutting grass in the hot summer’s sun than enjoying some ice cold whiskey and beer.  I’ve spent my fair share of days having to work outside in the sun over the years. Some days were good, other days, well not so much.

How To Enjoy Summer Weekends With Drinks and Friends

But, the caveat to all that is the concerts that come around, especially country. Nobody enjoys an ice cold whiskey and coke alongside a beer than a bunch of screaming country music fans. A great example would be to look at a concert we attended a few years back by Luke Bryan and a few other big name artists in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

People were dancing, singing and overall just getting drunk and going crazy for the music. Talk about a grand ol’ time. The video I shared unfortunately wasn’t one of mine, I only wish I could’ve been that close and on stage to enjoy those sweet melodies.

However, I reach an epiphany at that stage, I realized how I needed to enjoy my time more every day. And this meant cutting out anything that caused me to not enjoy every single second of freedom and free time I had outside of my 8am to 5pm job Monday through Friday. So in turn, I had to find a house cleaner (Beauticians Inc.), because that takes hours to do each week. Next was a home chef (Your Kitchen Automated, LLC).

Getting Down To It For Getting My Weekend Drinking Time Back

I saved over a dozen hours per week by doing that. And then I had to find a snow plowing service for the winter time (who knows how many back breaking hours that endures), and eventually when the following spring came around, I found the lawn care service. And I was wowed by the work those guys (Always Greener Landscaping) did each week, because best of all I never had to get dirty again with the mowing, grass blowing all over, weed trimming, and laying the mulch wood chips. What a mood improvement to not have to come home to doing that stuff on weeknights and big projects on the weekend because I had hired it out. If you own property in the Lehigh Valley, I can’t recommend them enough, check their website for information about Always Greener’s lawn care and landscaping services. I cant describe the feeling any more than “sigh of relief!” once the burden of having to work on my house on the weekends is now lifted off me!

My time is so much more valuable, even compared to the $50-$75+

ice cold beer, country music

per hour that the lawn care company ends up charging for their lawn mowing, rock bed, and leaf removal work. And my chef is about $100 per hour, but it’s an investment rather than a cost because that’s more time spent with friends, good music, cold alcoholic drinks (unless it’s winter time and we’re talking about some alcohol infused eggnog), and good times. It just simply can’t be beat.

Home Life Is The Best Life

When it comes to living your best life, few things make that better than enjoying alcohol such as whiskey with your friends. Whether you are meeting up for a very happy hour (or two, or more!), having drinks at home with some friends as a gathering, or going crazy by balling out at the club complete with bottle service, cocktail waitresses, dancing, loud music and all that entails afterwards. Life is best when it’s lived well, but having a home base to essentially call “home” is very important.

Structure In The Home

If one is going to get crazy on the weekends, they need to have somewhere during the week to ensure their day to day life is taken care of and structured. When one’s every day is structured to an extent, most grow tired of this and by the time the weekend rolls around, they are ready to let loose. But in order to be able to monetarily afford to let loose on the weekends, they must earn enough money at their job to pay for a house that’s nice enough to not hate and then feel as if they are allowed to live out the weekend.  So keeping to a weekday schedule is extremely important. This would be something such as waking up at the same time every day, eating the same food, leaving for work at the same time, coming home at the same time, then heading to the gym, then relaxing a little bit and having dinner which consists of the same food each day.  Then continue the cycle through the week until the grind is complete.

The Weekday Grind Is Done

Once Friday afternoon rolls around, most are ready to let go of their work because they’ve been doing it every day since Monday. That’s a lot of time and by 5pm Friday, the world (in that time zone at least) is ready to break open the flood gates and get to the weekend by racing home, then getting ready for a night on the town. Usually involving dinner with friends, then heading home with their significant other and enjoying “Netflix and Chill” or heading out to bars or clubs, or a sporting event. The possibilities are endless on the

the freedom of the weekend

weekends. Free time, everyone else is also off from their respective jobs, depending on the industry they work in. It’s a beautiful thing.

Life is just better on the weekends, and we wish for them to be everlasting.