If you’re as much of a weekend enthusiast as I am, you’ll recognize the amount of time that’s wasted on a home landscaping project when it could be spent… getting wasted enjoying too much whiskey in our hometown with our friends, for lack of a better way to describe it.

The Time Drawback of Home Landscape Projects

Think about it. Let’s say you want to build a paver patio in your backyard. An average sized patio for most residential dwellings is probably twelve feet by twelve feet, yes there are variables but hear me out. That’s one hundred forty four square feet. If on average, according to most professional landscaping companies a paver patio build will take about three quarters of a man hour, per square foot for the project.

With one hundred forty four square feet, that’s about one hundred eight man hours. If you were to do the right thing and hire a professional paver patio builder this could cost upwards of $7,500 depending on a company’s going rate. However, would you like to spend a backbreaking one hundred eight hours building a patio!? Keep in mind, these time rates are for a professionally trained crew. If you’re the guy that gets obliterated on whiskey each weekend, it’ll take you double the time! At spending twenty hours per weekend on the project, that’s at least six weekends, ten hours per day spent on this project.

So half of your summer swallowed up because you chose to pinch pennies. Because remember, if you do it yourself – there’s no warranty on the product, or the most important part which is the labor and improper installation can cause disaster to strike with not only the patio itself falling apart but wrong slope could push water into your basement. You’re talking tens of thousands of dollars at that rate. Who’s the sucker now?

The Better Option To Do It Yourself Landscaping

All things aside, the kings of the world that lay around making money while sipping scotch, whiskey, and beer are the last ones you’ll see slaving away in the backyard trying to build a patio, wall or whatever else. They know when to hire the professionals to do whatever task it may be, so that when the weekend comes, they can enjoy it the proper way – with an ice cold glass of whiskey.

I suggest you do the same. 6 weekends burned up and having to fix mistakes by yourself or pay a contractor to come fix the mistakes or $7,500 just one single time, the choice is yours and it’s painfully obvious.